Read online ebook Dennis Patterson - Principles of Comparative Politics + Contending Perspectives in Comparative Politics Package in PDF, DOC, EPUB


Includes Principles of Comparative Politics and Contending Perspectives in Comparative Politics: A Reader., Principles of Comparative PoliticsAn introduction to comparative politics should be a window onto the real world of comparative inquiry, research, and scholarship. At last, a groundbreaking text gives students meaningful insight into how cross-national comparison is actually conducted, and why it matters: the enduring questions that scholars grapple with, the issues about which consensus has started to emerge, and the tools comparativists use to get at the complex and interesting problems at the heart of the field.Beginning with a clear and straightforward discussion of the comparative and scientific methods, each chapter outlines the debates about the political phenomena that drive current research, such as state failure, the economic and cultural determinants of democracy, or the effects of regime type and electoral system. The authors show students how comparativists construct and test theories, applying the principles of the scientific method and simple game theory to a wide variety of examples and cases. Students won&BAD:'t get lost in detail they&BAD:'ll never use or remember and instead learn exactly why the variations across institutional structures and functions are important. For more on Principles of Comparative Politics, including pedagogy, instructor's resources, and the table of contents, click here. Contending Perspectives in Comparative Politics: A ReaderIn addition to a well-chosen set of classic readings, Contending Perspectives also offers students access to cutting-edge research. By framing chapters around a central question in the field, the editors are able to show students how scholars approach inquiry with different perspectives, producing controversy and consensus in interesting and instructive ways. With these selections, students see work with data, theory, and analysis at its best and set in proper context&BAD:-not pieces chosen just for their currency or for pages of colorful detail. Chapter introductions and selection headnotes offer important background and critical thinking questions. For more on Contending Perspectives, including the table of contents, click here.

Principles of Comparative Politics + Contending Perspectives in Comparative Politics Package read book FB2, DOC